By: Jazmin

When I was little, I used to have no worries in the world
When I was little, I was just an ordinary little girl
When I was little, I didn’t know right from wrong
When I was little, I didn’t care to think where I belonged
When I was little, my innocence was shattered
And now that I’m older, I try to convince myself
that none of that even mattered

When I was little, I lost my dad on my brother’s birthday and every year it makes him sad
When I was little, my mom was addicted to hard drugs and she was never home
When I was little, all I longed for was her love
When I was little, I always believed in God
Now I’m older and my faith still stands strong

When I was little, I’d seen a lot for my age
And I can’t help but wonder
if that’s the reason I’m locked up in this cage
Because God knows I’ve been trying to change
And all the sleepless nights
I’ve been going through so much pain
But no matter what I still pray for better days
When I was little, I was young and happy and free
When I was little, I would have never thought
I’d be out there in the streets
Often cold, alone, and hungry with no place to be
When I was little, I would’ve never thought
my freedom could be taken away from me.